We are TPL means Travel Insurance – Life Insurance and Hifza Travel & Tours- Hifza Travel Group; we are life and medical coverage suppliers, and pride ourselves on being the ‘most straightforward organization to manage’. We solidly have faith in verifying our clients’ fates and setting them up to overcome unanticipated occasions through our variety of items and outstanding client administrations.

Why Choose TPL Life

Up to 105% fund allocation

Pioneer of Instant Insurance Cards

Multiple Distribution channels

Leader in Micro insurance services

Digital OPD services

24/7 Call Center

Lodge Claim on WhatsApp

Products for every need

We are in the matter of giving a full scope of non-life coverage items and administrations modified to meet the shifted needs of a wide range of business and mechanical customers just as people, giving Property, Marine/Aviation, Motor and different Miscellaneous items. The most significant part of our activity is that we have made a different Risk Management Team and an Engineering Group who work intimately with customers to recognize different hazard exposures and after that give explicit protection. This aides in misfortune avoidance and decreasing the expense of premium. Our market-driven group of roused and in fact qualified protection faculty, represent considerable authority in common, mechanical, metallurgy, gadgets and having abroad linkages, is accessible as needs be for essential expert exhortation consistently. It is our strategy not exclusively to give insurance and hazard decrease yet help customers create preventive capacities to deflect real risks and cataclysms.

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