Skardu Valley

Skardu Overview

Skardu, the capital of Baltistan, lies at an altitude of 2,438 meters against the backdrop of the great peaks of the Karakorams. The Balti are a mixture of Tibetan and Caucasian stock and speak Balti, an ancient form of Tibetan. Due to the similarity of its culture, lifestyle and architecture with Tibet, Baltistan is also known as “Tibet-e-Khurd” (Little Tibet).

It borders China’s Xinjiang province and India’s Kashmir. The tourist season is from April to October. The maximum temperature is 27 °C and the minimum (October) is 8 °C. Apart from the incomparable cluster of mountain peaks and glaciers, the five valleys of Baltistan – Shigar, Skardu, Khaplu, Rondu and Kharmang are famous for their luscious peaches, apricots, apples and pears. .

By air
Pakistan International Airlines flies daily from Islamabad. Since the pilots fly by sight (no computer navigation), the flight only takes place on clear days. Nanga Parbat (9th highest mountain in the world) and K2 (2nd highest mountain in the world) can be seen during the flight. The air journey is full of excitement and could be considered the highlight of the visit in itself. Following the same flight route that connects Gilgit to Islamabad/Rawalpindi, the aircraft turns right and flies over the Indus River Gorge.

On the road
You can reach Skardu by bus from Islamabad. The road will take you all the way through the KKH (Karakoram Highway).

Since KKH is still under construction and the Skardu road still needs to be repaired, the journey can take min 36 hours by public transport

It is also possible to reach Skardu from Gilgit. Although it is less than 200 km, the journey will take you around 8 hours (by public transport).


Skardu City Center Be aware that the main road and adjacent roads are “Purdah Bazaar”, you will not see any women except foreign women. Dress modestly and be prepared to be stared at.
K2 Museum is located near K2 Motel, shows pictures
Sand Dunes Impressive sand dunes can be seen on the other side of the Indus. Hire a taxi to get there. It is on the way to Shigar Valley but about 2 km from the road.
Kharpocho Fort: Skardu has an ancient fort known as Kharpocho Fort (King of Forts) situated on a hill overlooking the city. It was built by Ali Sher Khan Anchan, who ruled Baltistan until the end of the 16th century. The mighty Indus creeping just a few meters below your feet among the silvery white sand is an amazing sight. Entry fee for foreigners is Rs 200 (02/2015)
Satpara Lake About 8 km (5 miles) north of Skardu and 20 minutes by jeep lies Sadpara Lake, surrounded by glacial mountains that are reflected in its crystal clear water. The lake has a fairy island in the middle, which can be reached by country boats that can be rowed. This lake also abounds in fish and is considered ideal for fishing.
Shangrila Lake About 32 km (20 miles) from Skardu and a 2-hour jeep ride lies the sparkling calm deep Lake Shangrila also called Kachura Lake teeming with brown trout. Many exotic and colorful flowers adorn its shores during spring, while peach, apricot and apple trees are showered with blossoms in April. Later in the summer you can taste apples, which are a particularly delicious variety. Also check out Shangrila Resort.
Shigar Valley: The gateway to the great mountain peaks of the Karakorams, Gasherbrum & K-2, is just 23 km from Skardu by jeep road. The gentle, irrigated slopes of the Shigar Valley are full of terraces of wheat, maize and barley. Its orchards of apricots, mulberries, peaches, plums, pears, apples and walnuts are unique to Baltistan. The wooden mosque in the middle of the city was built several hundred years ago by Kashmiri carpenters.
Shigar Fort
Khaplu Valley: This beautiful valley of the Shyok River is located 103 km east of Skardu. Khaplu is the starting point for most trekking and mountaineering expeditions. Many famous mountains like Masherbrum, Saltoro, Sia Kangri, K-6, K-7 are located here. Chaqchan Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Baltistan (1504 AD), attributed to Syed Ali Hamdani. There is the palace of the Raja of Khaplu and the remains of Thors
Narsok Village, here you will find a large clear spring flowing from the base of the monolith.
First Organic village is the only village of its kind where farmers produce fruits and vegetables without any pesticides or chemicals.
Manthokha Falls is a 180 feet tall waterfall set against the backdrop of lush green pastures, fresh gurgling streams rising in the rocky mountains just 78 kilometers (48 miles) from Skardu city center. It is also famous for trout fishing.
Buddha Stone Carvings: Dating back to the 8th century AD, a huge figure of Buddha surrounded by small buddhisattvas is carved on a rock three kilometers from Skardu via Sadpara Nullah on the Skardu-Sadpara Road. Prehistoric men and animal figures are carved on the rocks along Lake Kachura. Some rock carvings and a diagram of a monastery near Perkuta (Mehdi Abad) Nalah are also found.

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